The Importance of Skin Checks

Regular skin checks are a proactive approach to detecting skin cancers in their early stages when treatment is most effective, and the risk of complications is minimised.

These checks aren't just for when you've noticed something odd on your skin. Think of them as your skin's regular check-up, even when you feel perfectly fine. Catching skin cancers early often results in complete cure via a minor surgery. 

Skin Check appointment at MyHealth South Eveleigh

How often should I schedule a Skin Check?
Frequency of your skin checks depends on your personal risk factors. If you've had skin cancer before, have lots of moles, a weak immune system, easily burn in the sun, or spend a lot of time in the sun, you may need more frequent skin checks. Some people with very high risk might even need them every 6 months. But if your risk is lower, a skin check every 1-3 years, as advised by your doctor. We recommend scheduling an appointment to get your individual risk factors assessed.


What Are the Early Signs of Skin Cancer? 

In addition to regular professional skin checks, it's important to examine your skin at home after a shower or with the help of a partner. Skin changes can occur between scheduled appointments, and early detection is key. Pay attention to any areas that fail to heal properly, change in size, become painful, exhibit unusual colours, lack symmetry, or have irregular edges – these should all be examined promptly.

What happens during a skin check appointment?
During a skin check, your skin should be thoroughly examined, including areas that might require some discretion. This examination includes both observation by the eye and the use of a dermatoscope, which is a specialised tool for magnifying and closely inspecting the skin's surface. The examination should cover every inch of your skin, from your scalp down to the spaces between your toes. 
Recognising potential skin cancers primarily relies on pattern recognition and analysis. Cancerous cells tend to grow chaotically and exhibit distinct differences from healthy skin. However, making a definitive diagnosis can be challenging, which is why biopsies are often used. Biopsies involve taking a small sample of suspicious skin for microscopic analysis by a specialised laboratory. 


Protect Your Skin's Health Today!
Regular skin checks are an essential part of maintaining your skin's health and catching skin cancers early when they are most treatable. Schedule your skin check at Myhealth South Eveleigh today and make it a routine part of your healthcare. Also, don't forget to apply sunscreen and treat your skin to nourishing skincare products from Priceline.



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